Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lord Kingsborough Antiguedades de Mexico

Los Manuscritos Iluminados igual a los
Codices son testimonios de pasadas
epocas. La mayoria de manuscritos
y iluminados y codices fueron comisio-
nados por reyes. Unas Quien tiene la
suerte de contemplar algun manus-
crito o codice , nunca podra olvidarlo.
Mi primer encuentro con los codices
fue a traves de Lord Kingsborough .
Sir Edward King vizconde de Kinsborough
[ib;ocp en el año de 1831 el bellisimo
libro " Antiguedades de Mexico ", despues
de publicado en Europa Antiguedades de
Mexico, cientos de miles de europeos
despertaron el interes por el Nuevo Mundo
a traves de Mexico.
Las reproduciones que Lord Kingsborough
publico son:

Codice Mendicino o Coleccion Mendoza
Biblioteca Budleyana de Oxford ( Consta de
73 laminas)

Codice Telleriano - Remensis Biblioteca
Nacional de Paris ( 93 laminas)

Codice Boturini o Tira de la Peregrinacion
Museo Nacional de Arqueologia de la Ciudad
de Mexico. ( Coleccion Boturini fue recupera
do por Mexico )

Codice Bodley Biblioteca Bodleiana de Oxford
( 40 laminas )
Rollo Selden o Codice Selden I Biblioteca Bodleiana
( 20 laminas )

Codice Selden II Biblioteca Bodleina ( 12 laminas)

Estos fueron los primeros seis Codices que apa-
recieron en el Primer Tomo

Edward King, Lord Kingsborough


Lord Kingsborough, born in 1795, was the firstborn heir to an Irish Earl. He was a wealthy student at Oxford University. There, as a result of American victories, he became disillusioned with politics. After graduation he was elected to the House of Commons. He did not seek re-election. He became fascinated by Bodley Codex in the Oxford Library and became convinced that ancient Mexicans descended from “Lost Tribes of Israel.”

Lord Kingsborough spent his life trying to prove the Jewish origin of Mexicans. He compiled texts, manuscripts, and hundreds of engravings. He also accumulated explanations and interpretations of the Mayan codexes Mendicino, Telleriano-Remensis, and the Vatican codex. Lord Kingsborough devoted his time and wealth to publishing Antiquities of Mexico (9 vols.) from 1831-1848. In his work he reproduced the History of the Things of New Spain, by Bernardino de Sahagun; the Mexican Chronicle, by Fernando de Alvarado Tezozomoc; the Chichimeca History by Fernando de Alva Ixtilxochchitl, as well as many others.

All of this publishing led to great debts with the paper manufacturers. He was imprisoned as a result. Kingsborough’s imprisonment caused a scandal among London society. Kingsborough died while in prison in 1837 at the age of 42. He would have inherited his father’s title the following year. Kingsborough’s research was far from partial. His materials were poorly organized. Despite his apparent failings he succeeded in bringing many rare works to the attention of scholars, provided copies of fragile documents, and published early scholar’s material like Brasseur. His work has a high level of scholar dignity.

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